Friday, June 13, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008 - Cindy

We met for lunch today to discuss ideas for this business thing we're planning. It sounds somewhat unorganized when I say it like that but really the whole idea has been so nebulous for a while that it's almost strange to think of it in more concrete terms now.

The whole thing started, I guess, when I was coming home from the Hillsboro Village area one night and realized I had forgotten to stop in Green Hills to get a few natural and organic things I can't generally find in Murfreesboro. You know how you often think to yourself "someone should open this kind of store" or "somebody ought to create a business to do that" or just "I wish there was a _____ closer to home"? Well, I had that thought about buying natural and organic items in Murfreesboro and promptly decided I wanted to be part of that "someone!" I told Heather about it, called Koren about it, and we all decided we would do this. We'd been talking about starting a business anyway because we wanted to do something we would truly enjoy and we wanted to create a more flexible work environment than we had at our current jobs.

The odd thing is, Heather, Koren, and I all worked in the same place, along with our other friend, Bekah. So, just a couple days after I first dreamed up the store, we discovered there were cutbacks at work and a number of people were being laid off because they did away with certain positions. Koren and Bekah were among the first affected, and Heather and I quickly decided we no longer wanted to be there. It's been said more than once that this feels a bit like a "hand of God" kind of thing - providing us with the Need and the Time to make this happen NOW instead of slowly talking it up and thinking we'll do it "someday soon."

So now, Bekah has joined our crew and we're making plans. Today we discussed all the things we'd like to carry and what else we'd like to offer. We came up with the name, Everyday Balance: A Greener Market (a combination of suggestions thrown out by Heather and Koren that we all really liked the sound of), and we made a plan to meet again next week.

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