Friday, June 13, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - Cindy

The idea of Everyday Balance is that the store provides the tools (biodegradable cleaning supplies, all natural, locally made soaps, organic health & beauty aids, handmade bags, jackets, blankets, etc. made from reused and salvaged fabric, and whatever else strikes our fancy) to live a more natural and sustainable lifestyle. At the same time, in connection to the store, we'll be offering classes, workshops, and seminars on all manner of related topics. We want to live our lives in balance, internal balance, balance between work and play, between schedules and chaos, in balance with the earth - taking as little as possible and giving back whatever we possibly can. We want to live this way and we want to promote it for others and make it easier for others by providing easy access to the tools they'll need.

Today was our second business meeting. I think in many ways we're all still adjusting to the idea that we can really do this. We've discussed alternate incomes for all of us to help through the startup phase. We've begun to look into business loan information and get ideas on where we do and don't want to get a location. (Carl's idea of getting extra storage out of a box truck with a window AC unit gave us all a good laugh and helped us think more creatively.)

Along those creative lines, we decided that all the shelving and fixtures in the shop will be reused or recycled wherever possible. We'll be getting our shelves from thrift stores, second hand shops, donations, etc. We'll paint them, fix them up, refurbish them as needed, and make them work in our store. If we find a source for reusable lumber, we'll make shelving, screens, even our work desk out of it. If you're reading this and you have any furniture you'd like to get rid of, please let us know and we'll see if we can make it work in the store!

I'm really excited about this, and can't wait to see how it continues to evolve and grow. I hope you'll all be along with us for the ride.

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